53. Geometry and Mechanics at The University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, August 19-21, 2015. Truesdell Lecturer: Paolo Podio-Guidugli Speakers: de León, dell'Isola, Elźanowski, Goddard, Herzog, Maugin, Pence, Segev, Śniatycki
52. Scale Bridging in the Mathematical and Mechanical Sciences at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 22-24, 2014. Truesdell Lecturer: Constantine Dafermos Speakers: Acerbi, Buscaglia, Chakraborty, Dacorogna, Davini, DiCarlo, Feldman, Gavini, Ghattas, Giola, Gomes, Jerrad, Lewicka, B. Li, Murad, Nussenzveig, Podio-Guidugli, Šilhavý
48. Advances in Fundamental and Applied Mechanics: A Bridge between the Physical Behavior and the Mathematical Modeling of Materials at Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, January 4-8, 2010. Speakers: DiCarlo, Chaieb, Y.-c. Chen, Lehoucq, Luskin, Paroni, Truskinovsky
47. Constitutive Properties of Biomaterials at University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, September 19-21, 2008. Truesdell Lecturer: Roger Fosdick Speakers: Ambrosi, Coleman, Cowin, Criscione, Taber
46. The Interface between Atomistic and Continuum Theories at University of Houston, Houston, October 26-28, 2007. Truesdell Lecturer: Bernard Coleman Speakers: Blumenfeld, Brenner, Capriz, Kraynik, Murdoch, Tadmor, Sellers, Silling, Vedantam, Wheeler
45. Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Materials at Purdue University, West Lafayette, November 11-12, 2006. Truesdell Lecturer: James Serrin Speakers: Calderer, E, Garcia-Cervera, Kohn, Lavrentovich, Luskin
44. Theories of Microstructures and Defects at the Hotel Covo dei Saraceni, Polignano a Mare (Bari), Italy, October 8-10, 2005. Truesdell Lecturer: Walter Noll Speakers: Braides, Cermelli, Francfort, Fried, Jenkins, Paroni, Rosakis, Silhavy, Truskinovsky, Zanzotto
43. Prospects for Mathematics and Mechanics upon the 80th Birthday of Jerry Ericksen at the IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, November 5-6, 2004. Speakers: Bhattacharya, Cladis, Doi, James, Kinderlehrer, Lin, Truskinovsky
42. Multiscale Effects in Material Microstructures and Defects at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, September 26-28, 2003. Speakers: Anand, Bhattacharya, Epstein, Fried, Gurtin, James, Lipton, Owen, Podio-Guidugli, Ponte Castaneda
41. Dissipative Effects in Continuum Mechanics at the University of California, Berkeley, September 29-October 1, 2000. Speakers: Beatty, Del Piero, Coleman, Deseri, Fabrizio, Fonseca, Fried, Goddard, Golden, Jenkins, Man, Owen
40. Internal and Surface Structure of Materials at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, October 10-12, 1998. Speakers: Caffarelli, Fonseca, Hamilton, Hannon, Slemrod, Soner, P. Sternberg
39. Nonlinear Phenomena in Continuum Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, April 7-9, 1995 Speakers: Angenent, Beale, Caginalp, Khomami, Maddocks, Papageorgiou, Shu-Ming Sun, Trefethen
38. Topics in Nonlinear Elasticity at Cornell University, September 22-25, 1994 Speakers: Antman, Bauman, Fosdick, Gurtin, Holmes, James, Simpson, Spector, Truskinovksy
37. Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics: A Symposium in Honor of Walter Noll at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, April 23-25, 1993 Speakers: Antman, Artz, Coleman, Feinberg, Gurtin, Lawvere, Noll, Podio-Guidugli, Serrin, Silhavy, Truesdell, Virga, Wang
36. Mathematical Modelling in Continuum Mechanics at Penn State University, October 1-3, 1992 Speakers: Arnold, Antman, Coleman, Dafermos, Fried, James, Kleman, Luskin, Mizel, Pego, Rajagopal, Slemrod, P. Sternberg
35. Partial Differential Equations and Mechanics at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, November 1-3, 1991 Speakers: Antman, Bona, Fonseca, Gariepy, Phillips, Renardy, Slemrod, Ziemer
34. Recent Developments in Mechanics at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, April 6-8, 1990 Speakers: Galdi, Gurtin, Onat, Parks, Rajagopal, Serrin, Spector, Speziale
33. Variational Methods in Continuum Mechanics at Sheraton Hotel at Station Square, Pittsburgh, November 18-19, 1989 Speakers: Fosdick, McLeod, Mizel, S. Müller, Podio-Guidugli, P. Sternberg
32. Geometrical and Topological Methods in Mechanics at the University of Calgary, Calgary, June 21-23, 1989 Speakers: Chillingworth, Edelen, Hardt, Marsden, O'Raifeartaigh, Olver, Sniatycke, Wang
31. Modern Developments in Natural Philosophy--An Historical Perspective at The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, March 20-23, 1988 Speakers: Antman, Amick, Dafermos, Fife, Hrusa, Humphrey, Simo, Truesdell, Ziemer
30. Internal Structure, Homogenization and Continuum Mechanics at Yale University, New Haven, November 14-15, 1987 Speakers: Gurtin, Jenkins, Kohn, Leckie, Lowe, Milton, Needleman, Papanicolaou, Sachdev, Sreenivasan
29. Novel Problems in Mathematics & Mechanics From Agriculture and Industry at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, October 20-21, 1986 Speakers: Brown, Clark, May, Raats, Schaeffer, Strang
28. Topics in Continuum Mechanics and Analysis at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, December 4-6, 1985 Speakers: Antman, Carlson, Dafermos, Ericksen, Passman, Wang
27. Mathematical Models in Continuum Mechanics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, November 29-December 1, 1984, Speakers: DiPerna, Ericksen, Hrusa, Owen, Pritchard
26. In Honor of J.L. Ericksen's 60th Birthday at Brown University, Providence, November 17-19, 1983 Speakers: Ball, Bell, Coleman, Kinderlehrer, Leslie, I. Müller, Rivlin, Serrin, Truesdell
25. Wave Phenomena at Cornell University, Ithaca, September 22-25, 1982 Speakers: Ablowitz, Aronson, Coleman, McKean, Papanicolaou, Sachse, Symes
24. Applications of Qualitative Analysis in Nonlinear Mechanics at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, December 3-5, 1981 Speakers: Antman, Dafermos, Holmes, Joseph, Saut, E. Sternberg, Villaggio
23. Recent Developments in Continuum Thermodynamics at the University of Missouri, Rolla, November 10-12, 1980 Speakers: Valanis, Feinberg, Man, Fosdick, Coleman, Pitteri, Serrin, Owen
22. Mathematical Modelling at the National University of Mexico, November 5-8, 1979 Speakers: Aronson, Coleman, Fife, Glowinski, Guckenheimer, Herrera, Hoppensteadt, Lions, Newman, Oden
21. Anelastic Behavior of Continua at the Universita di Pisa, Italy, May 18-20, 1978 Speakers: Truesdell, Del Piero for Villaggio, Bell, Del Piero, Zarka, Ting Müller, Toupin
20. The Application of Catastrophe Theory in Mechanics at Christopher Newport College of William and Mary University, Charlottesville, April 16-18, 1978 Speakers: Lu, Zeeman, Huseyin, Chillingworth, Truesdell, Golubitsky, Mehra, Aris, Stewart
19. Recent Developments in Contimuum Mechanics at the University of Cincinnati, December 4-6, 1977 Speakers: Achenbach, Dafermos, Ericksen, Pipkin, Tiersten
18. Problems of the Continuum Theory of Plasticity and Dislocations at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, October 21-22, 1976 Speakers: Belinfante, Owen, deWit, Ting, Noll, Wang, Bloom
17. Fluid Mechanics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, October 2-3, 1975 Speakers: Rivilin, Fosdick, Bird, Joseph, Chen, Cowin, Jenkins, Brenner, Raats, Noll, Marris
16. Rational Thermodynamics at the Universita di Pisa, Italy, June 11-14, 1974 Speakers: Gurtin, Onat, Coleman, Owen, Williams, Serrin, Truesdell
15. Mathematical Problems Related to Mixtures of Interacting Species at the University of Rochester, New York, March 28-30, 1973 Speakers: Aris, Aronson, Feinberg, Horn, Sellers, Krambeck, Noll
14. Thermodynamics of Continuous Media at the University of Washington, Seattle, September 13-16, 1972 Speakers: Williams, Coleman, Ericksen, Truesdell, Dill, Muller, Bowen
13. Nonlinear Stability Theory at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, October 28-29, 1971 Speakers: Cohen, Luss, Lebowitz, Payne, Antman, Serrin, Stewartson
12. Model Theory at the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, May 4-5, 1971 Speakers: Cahpin, Kugler, Luxemburg, Zakon, Stone, Wattenberg, Truesdell
11. Plasticity and Viscoelasticity at the University of Cincinnati, November 12-13, 1970 Speakers: Owen, Dill, Rivlin, Clifton
10. Optimal Control Theory and the Calculus of Variations at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, November 30- December 1, 1969 Speakers: Neustadt, Gilbert, Hermes, Cesari, Fleming, Warga
9. Thermodynamics and Stabilty at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, October 10-12, 1968 Speakers: Coleman, Wei, Hale, Joseph, Pond, Ericksen, Gurtin
8. Theories of Stability at Tulane University, New Orleans, March 31-April 1, 1967 Speakers: Segal, Joseph, Caughey, Odeh, Markus
7. Axiomatics of Mechanics at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, October 21-22, 1966 Speakers: Bunge, Synge, Noll, Gurtin, Kac, Toupin
6. Hydrodynamics at the University of Arizona, Tucson, January 21-22, 1966 Speakers: Benney, Meyer, Saffman, Payne, Serrin, Ludford
5. Thermodynamics at Università di Padova, Bressanone, Italy, June 11-12, 1965 Speakers: Coleman, Bressan, Gurtin, Bordoni, Bowen
4. Frontiers of Elasticity at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York, March 22-23, 1965 Speakers: Fichera, Schechter, Reiss, Gilbert, Payne, Knowles
3. Wave Motion at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, October 29-30, 1964 Speakers: Duff, Rivlin, Morawetz, Wilcox, Keller
2. Fluid Dynamics at the Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, November 11-12, 1963 Speakers: Truesdell, Serrin, Finn, Noll, Lin, Markovitz
1. Statistical and Continuum Theories of Materials at the Johns Hopkins University, March 25-26, 1963 Speakers: Grad, Toupin, Jaynes, Rivlin, Ericksen